Monday, January 19, 2009

Kim Jung Mi - Toward the Sunlight

Toward the Sunlight

I believe this is a somewhat common record in South Korea but it's rare to come by in the U.S. I've been recently listening to a lot of Korean-pysch rock/folk music from the 70s...and this has been one of my favorite tracks that i've come across during my lonely nights of Korean psych research and record digging : (

Enjoy the beautiful song


Jo/No said...

Hi, just discovered your blog and love it! Great and varied selection of interesting tracks. Keep up the good work!

This particular album is a big favourite since many years. Your welcome to post more Korean stuff! I think i have 2 more of her albums but not as good as this one.

I've just added you to my recommended blogs over at where I mostly post my homemade compilations. Perhaps you would enjoy one with obscure blog finds that I posted back in december, "Holiday in Cambodia"/"September Remembered". I would be honoured if you would check it out!

cosmic cheese said...

hey thanks Jo/No. great blog btw, well designed and very informative.